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in san francisco bay area, california

Hello, I'm Sachin Guruswamy 👋

Young Robotics, Perception & Computer Vision engineer currently @ Luxonis.

About Myself 🤘

I like to make things. When presented with a challenge I do and learn what it takes to build the solution. I like quick iterations and prototype-driven work. I am motivated by interesting projects, and I would rather get things done than shave a yak. I obsess over the developer experience.

My Favourite Tools 🛠️

  • ROS
  • C++
  • Cmake
  • Matlab
  • Python3
  • OpenCV
  • Numpy
  • TensorFlow
  • PyTorch
  • SLAM
  • Bash
  • Docker
  • Git
  • Linux
  • AWS

My Opportunities 💼

  • Computer Vision Roboticist 🤖


    Building DepthAI Perception Stack

  • Research Assistant 🦾

    San Jose State University

    Building Novel Motion Planner for Advection-diffusion field.

  • Computer Vision Engineer 📷


    Building Driver Assistant device for logistics.

My Projects ⌨️

Blog Posts 📝

Have a challenge for me?

I occasionally take on new opportunities.

Get in touch and I'd love to hear about yours.